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Cage Green Primary School

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Cage Green Primary School, Cage Green road, Tonbridge, TN10 4PT


01732 354325




Please click the links below to take you to the relevant gallery.  We also post pictures of what is happening in school on our school Facebook page.  There is more to come soon!


Learning At Play

Click here to see our amazing video of our children and their creativity at breaktimes. 

Year Five Geography

Year Five have been learning about rivers in geography.  Their geographical vocabulary is very, very impressive.  Miss Styles was delighted on a recent visit to their classroom to hear them using terminology such as estuary, meander, oxbow, sediment, erosion and tributary.  She was also very impressed that they were able to link different areas of their learning; they could talk about how the ancient Egyptians used tributaries in their farming and how rivers were diverted for settlements. Great learning, Year Five!  


Here they are using sand to help them understand how oxbow lakes and meanders are created around obstacles (either natural or humanmade) through the process of erosion.  It was sandy! 

Year Five Geography

Year Five have been learning about rivers in geography. Their geographical vocabulary is very, very impressive. Miss Styles was delighted on a recent visit to their classroom to hear them using terminology such as estuary, meander, oxbow, sediment, erosion and tributary. She was also very impressed that they were able to link different areas of their learning; they could talk about how the ancient Egyptians used tributaries in their farming and how rivers were diverted for settlements. Great learning, Year Five! Here they are using sand to help them understand how oxbow lakes and meanders are created around obstacles (either natural or humanmade) through the process of erosion. It was sandy!


Lower School Boxing

Tuesday is boxing day at CG!

Lower School Boxing