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Cage Green Primary School

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Cage Green Primary School, Cage Green road, Tonbridge, TN10 4PT


01732 354325




Recommended Reads

Books recommended to be read before leaving KS1

100 books to read before you leave KS1

Books recommended to be read before leaving KS2

100 Books to read before you leave KS2





On the 22nd March 2022 there was a meeting to support parents with reading at home.  The presentation and handout are below.  

Reading Meeting Presentation

Parents' Handout

Reading Together

 Outside each of the Reception, Year One and Year Two classrooms are boxes of books for reading together.  We would like to encourage parents and children to choose a book together to take home and an adult to read this book to their child.  This is not about reading practise for your child; it is about enjoying a book together.  Watch the video below to hear Mrs Carter, our Deputy Head, explain how this works.   

Branching out

Once your child has discovered an author they love, it is a great idea to look out for similar authors and stories. Use these 'branching out' posters to inspire your child's reading.


We use Read Write Inc. phonics programme to teach our children to read, write and spell.

RWI parents handout

Visit the parent pages on the Ruth Miskin Training website go to:


Watch phonics videos using Set 1, 2 & 3 sounds:


Join Ruth Miskin Facebook:


Read Free e-books for home reading:


Use Oxford Owl for more help with Read Write Inc:


Order of the programme

The programme is ordered through a series of colour-coded books, each progressively introducing new letters and sounds. 

Below, you can find the progression of book colours and the typical age-range that children will be exposed to them. You can also find, below, documents to download which identify exactly which new learning is introduced in each book colour phase.


Year Group Expectations

Red Ditty 1-10


Green 1-10


Purple 1-10


Pink 1-10

Year One

Orange 1-12

Year One

Yellow 1-10

Year One

Blue 1-10

Year Two

Grey 1-13

Year Two