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Cage Green Primary School

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Cage Green Primary School, Cage Green road, Tonbridge, TN10 4PT


01732 354325




At Cage Green, we believe that children being smartly dressed in our correct school uniform is an essential ingredient to developing the correct attitude towards school and their learning.  We have high expectations of children's appearance.  

The uniform consists of:

  • Grey knee length skirt, grey pinafore dress, grey trousers or grey knee length shorts. (Black skirts and  black trousers are not acceptable. Short skirts are not acceptable)
  • Cage Green sweatshirt or Cage Green sweatshirt cardigan with our without logo. 
  • White polo shirt or white shirt or blouse, with or without logo.
  • White, grey or black knee length or white, grey or black ankle socks.Grey or black tights
    Black hard-soled shoes. 
  • Hair accessories must be small and either maroon, black or white.
  • Summer Term only: blue checked dress (optional)

PE Kit:

  • Black or blue shorts
  • T- shirt of house colour (with school logo optional)
  • Black plimsolls
  • Black jogging bottoms and sweatshirt for cold weather
  • Trainers for outdoor PE

The uniform is easily obtainable from the school supplier: Paul Marchant.

email: paulmarchant76@btinternet.com  or phone 01892 834372 or mobile 07710517237.  

We also have a very active PTFA who organise a second hand uniform shop.  Good quality, second hand uniform is available for purchase at very low prices.  A school jumper is £2.  It's also great for the environment to use second hand uniform.  The PTFA run regular second hand uniform sales in the playground after school but uniform can also be purchased ad hoc. The office can help you with this.  

We always aim to support our families who are suffering financial hardship.  If you are struggling to provide your child with the correct uniform for school, please contact us and we will find a way to help.  

 Please click here to see our school uniform policy.