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Cage Green Primary School

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Cage Green Primary School, Cage Green road, Tonbridge, TN10 4PT


01732 354325



Autism Specialist Resource Provision


The Phoenix Centre is a Specialist Resource Provision and is part of Cage Green Primary School. The classes within the SRP are called Oak and Birch and are two more classes that are part of our school, Cage Green Primary School.

Currently, Kent County Council funds twenty-two places in the SRP classes for children with an EHCP and a primary diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC), also know as autism or Autistic Spectrum Disorder.   Places are only available for children in KS2. 

The Local Authority (LA) manages all admissions to our SRP. The referral pathway is always via the LA; no pupil can be admitted without prior agreement from KCC. For a place to be considered, a child’s EHCP and supporting documents must be sent to the school from the Local Authority SEN team.

  • Each application will be considered after careful scrutiny of a child’s EHCP. At this point, if it is felt that the child may be successful in the SRP, an observation will be carried out in the child’s current educational setting.
  • Any decision about a placement will also consider the current cohort, ensuring a variable mix of abilities, age, gender, and needs, as well as recognising the practical and logistical limitations of the space and resources available to us.
  • The decision whether to offer a place is made by the SRP Leader and Headteacher, in collaboration with  the Governing Body.
  • The decision is then sent back, in writing, to the Local Authority SEN team, who will contact parents and carers to inform them of the decision.
  • If a place is not offered, it is due to the fact that we would not be able to meet the needs of the child, thereby denying the child the opportunity to reach his or her full potential.

We do not offer tours of our Specialist Resource Provision to parents until their child has been approved for an SRP placement through the SRP panel and the SEN team at KCC have identified us as an appropriate placement. 

We are happy to offer advice to other schools in how to support their children with autism and may be able to offer outreach support.  Please contact the school office (office@cage-green.kent.sch.uk) for further information. 

The SRP is situated alongside the main school in a purpose built provision with facilities which include a therapy room, sensory room, soft space and a large outdoor learning environment. There are two classes, each with a teacher and a small team of teaching assistants. They are a part of our school and are not a separate entity.  


Integration into mainstream classes.

Cage Green Primary School believes that all pupils should have equal opportunity to access a full and engaging curriculum, delivered by trained and competent staff, that enables them to achieve their full potential wherever they are taught. Pupils are placed in the Phoenix Centre with an expectation that they will be able to access mainstream provision. However, it is recognised that the suitability for integration may vary.

The following criteria for integration will be considered. In order to be considered suitable for integration pupils will be expected to be able to:

  • understand, acknowledge and communicate their needs (both physical and learning) generally through the use of spoken language but where necessary through their preferred mode of communication.
  • show a desire to interact with their peers in a meaningful way and benefit from the social interaction that integration in main school has to offer.
  • demonstrate enthusiasm for learning and the desire and ability to work alongside or with a peer or group of peers.
  • follow instructions with visual support.
  • work unaided for an identified period of time (dependant upon circumstance).

Integration will only be initiated once the pupil has settled in  and is meeting the above criteria. Once the pupil is considered to meet the criteria for integration consultation between Centre and mainstream staff and parents will take place and an integration plan will be drawn up.

Specialist Support Offered

Resources and Interventions to support Phoenix Centre children could involve access to:

  • Speech and Language Therapy (SaLT)
  • Speech and Language support such as Colourful Semantics, Minimal Speech and Blanks Level questioning approaches.
  • Staff, experienced with supporting the learning of autistic children
  • Use of the TEACCH approach
  • Visual supports
  • Social Skills training
  • Emotional Regulation support based on The Zones of Regulation             
  • Individual intervention support (based on EHCP outcomes)
  • Positive Behaviour Management system
  • Parent Support
  • Specifically-devised programmes of study to adapt the national curriculum to the needs of the learners
  • Individual workstations and timetables
  • Sensory Circuits
  • Sensory needs support
  • Fine and Gross Motor support
  • Sensory Rooms
  • Lego Therapy
  • Individualised Social Stories as required
  • Therapy dog                

Websites of interest for parents and professionals:

KCC www.kelsi.org.uk

National Autistic Society www.autism.org.uk

Kent Autistic Trust www.kentautistic.com

Zones of Regulation https://www.zonesofregulation.com/learn-more-about-the-zones.html

Kent and East Sussex NHS Therapies support and referrals website
