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Cage Green Primary School

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Cage Green Primary School, Cage Green road, Tonbridge, TN10 4PT


01732 354325




Cage Green Parent, Teacher and Friends Association (PTFA)

Have you got a child at Cage Green Primary School, or are you a member of staff? Then you are a member of the PTFA.

The Cage Green Parent, Teacher and Friends Association (PTFA) organises social, fundraising and community events for both adults and children.

The PTFA is a registered charity run solely by volunteers who work closely with the school. We help to provide resources, equipment, and experiences to enhance the quality of life for all the children at Cage Green. We do this by running several events throughout the school year.

Can you volunteer? This can be anything such as suggesting a fundraising idea, attending meetings, contributing with donations or running an entire event!

If you run your own business, you can help us by donating prizes for events, products in return for advertisement, sponsorship, or match-funding.

We are always looking for fresh ideas.

Do not hesitate to contact us by email, via Facebook or grab one of us in the playground!

Some of the items the PTFA have funded in the last few years

What did we buy?

Who for?

What were the benefits?

Playground Activities ie: Balls, Chalks, Basketball Hoops, Construction Sets

Whole school

Each bubble has use of the equipment on a rota

Seasonal Gifts

Whole school

Visits from Santa with Books and Easter Bunny with Eggs/Dietary Alternative

Book Bags/Leaver Hoodies

New starters/Year 6 leavers

Welcome Gift /Lasting Memories

Friendship Benches

Whole School

To promote Social Interaction/Friendships

White boards

Up to year 5

Interactive Learning

Smart board

Year 6 and Phoenix Centre

Interactive Learning

We also have a large stock of good quality second-hand uniform at affordable prices.





Members of the committee

Chair: Amy Constant

Secretary: Alex Wood 

Treasurer: Lucy Bullet                                                 

Trustees: Belinda Read, Amy Constant, Alex Wood, Lucy Bullet, Allanna Wilson
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