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Cage Green Primary School

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Cage Green Primary School, Cage Green road, Tonbridge, TN10 4PT


01732 354325




Termly Overviews

Each year group produces a curriculum map which shows what the class will be learning for the current two terms.  Links for the curriculum maps are below. 

Current Overviews

Term 3 and 4 2024/2025



 Previous Overviews

 Term 1 and 2 2024/2025

  Overview 2023/2024

Term 5 and 6 2023/2024

 Term 3 and 4 2023/2024



 Terms 1 and 2 2023/2024

 Overviews 2022/2023

Term 5 and 6 2022/2023

Year 1 - Cage Green Wildlife Park

Year 2 - Wolves and Woodlands

Year 3 - The United Kingdom

Year 4 - Fairness and Freedom

Year 5 - Setting the World Alight

Year 6 - Benin and Rainforests

Reception - Green Planet and Blue Planet

Oak - The United Kingdom

Birch - Natural Disasters

 In the Phoenix Centre, children are taught in mixed aged classes so it isn't possible to put on our curriculum maps what the term's SRE learning looks like.   For SRE in the Phoenix Centre, children are taught in groups organised by their year group.  The curriculum for each of those groups is outlined in the document below: 

Relationship and Sex Education for Key Stage Two children in The Phoenix Centre 


Term 3 and 4 2022/2023 



Terms 1 and 2 2022/2023